Franchise Apotek K-24
Written by v3 on 04.54
Founded : 2002
Franchise since : 2004
Outlet Number : 14
Investment: Rp. 600.000.000,-
Royalti Fee : 12 % dari omset
Marketing Fee : 0,3 %
Apotek K-24 build by dr. Gideon Hartono on 24 Octobers 2002 in Yogyakarta, K-24 x'self is abbreviation of komplet 24 hours. komplet its drug and open 24 hours one day during the year, outlet firstly is build in Jl. Magelang to get remarkable greeting causing is build the next outlet on 24 maret 2003 in Jl. Gejayan and date of 24 Augusts 2003 outlet three build in Jl. Kaliurang and in the year 2004 apotek k-24 opens third outlet in Jl. Gondomanan and fourth outlet in building in Kota Semarang in Jl. Gajah Mada
On 6 April 2005 Apotek K-24 gets appreciation from Museum Rekor Indonesia ( MURI) as “ First Chain Pharmacy in Indonesia which open 24 hours Non Stop every day"
Because the success is finally in the year 2005 apotek K-24 starts in franchise and at its(the anniversary which to 3 ( three) Apotek K-24 opens at a timely 7 new outlet, 4 outlet location in Surabaya, 2 outlet in Yogyakarta and 1 outlet in Semarang, at the same also MURI gives appreciation to return for " apotek Indonesia original that is first is franchise", and " opening of outlet apotek is many".